
조회수 4125.02.27

GP 1th album "Bloming"

#girls_paradise #bloming #first_album #yunji #hyemi #aera #misé #🌿

Spring (song number 1)

Bloming MV (titre track) (song number 2) (dark ver)

Bloming MV (titre track) (song number 2) (clear ver)

Yunji teasers

Hyemi teasers

Misé teasers

Aera teasers

"Bloming" background place 1

"Bloming" background place 2

Messenger of spring (song number 3)

Utopia (song number 4)

Roses Paradise (song number 5)

Bloom? (song number 6)

SunShine (song number 7)

Life is so beautiful (song number 8)

Life is so beautiful MV

Life is so beautiful MV teasers (blue ver)

"Life is so beautiful" Groupe picture

"Life is so beautiful" background place 1

"Life is so beautiful" background place 2

The secret garden (song number 9)

SECRET SONG REVEAL : Starlit Promises (song number 10)

Closing (outro) (song number 11)

Spotify open

Vogue Special

Special interview COMING SOON

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